
Showing posts from 2017
Warren Rose II CAGD 117, 4/12/17 Storyboard Thumbnails for Pierson's El Sid Script Treatment For this assignment, I was paired up with a fellow student who provided me with a list of shots he adapted from "El Sid", an episode of the Sliders TV show.  Using the camera angles and movement suggested, I created a series of thumbnails for a storyboard that I hoped would fulfill his needs.  Here are the 28 shots, one broken up into two frames for clarity:

2D Maze Game Level 1 Version 2 Feedback

Warren Rose II CAGD 270, 4/11/17 2D Maze Game Level 1 Feedback, Playthrough on 4/6/17 The more restricted paths and added coin went well.  The water was both described as a nice touch and not fitting the theme of the Western level.  The northwest end of the map was described as a tease because it looked too much like someone should be able to find a secret route to it and explore.

2D Maze Game Level 1 Feedback

Warren Rose II CAGD 270, 4/4/17 2D Maze Game Level 1 Feedback, Playthrough on 3/30/17 The level was fairly straightforward.  One player reached the exit, collected the coins in search of more without recognizing the exit for what it was.  He said that I should implement more signposts to make the direct path stand out as well as varying the ground.  The varied obstacles were well received.

CAGD 117 Rough1 4/3/17

CAGD 117 Rough1 4/3/17 For this assignment I was supposed to do a rough of two mafia characters meeting for the first time, using shading and perspective.  The in-class tutorial involved creating a table and a lamp and a wall-frame, so I rearranged and duplicated the elements.  I added a doorway and doorknob to add contrast to one of the walls and positioned the further back of the two men in front of it. I feel the focal point of the image is the shiny lamp, which is why the foreground character is so close to its illumination.  The main trouble I ran into was changing the light source from above to centered on the table.  I did this mainly because I like the circle gradient effect of Photoshop applied as an Overlay.  The shininess of the backdrop figure's shoe was an accident somewhere along the line in one of the layers, as I was having trouble tracking it down I tried to work it into the frame. Following the In-Class Tutorial:

DnD Map 2 version 2 Tiered Feedback

Warren Rose II CAGD 270, 3/21/17 DnD Map 2 version 2 Tiered Feedback, Playthrough on 3/9/17 Annotated Version of Map 1. Action I sat down with my assigned players for a quick run through of the Basic Difficulty level.  Unfortunately we waited too long for their third to show up and for me to refamiliarize myself with the system so less than fifteen minutes of the assigned twenty were spent on gameplay.  The level consisted of the players sneaking into an alien complex where a ship they wanted to steal has been parked.  The first room was an armory containing a basic floating alien, a cloning chamber acting as checkpoint and chests containing a ranged weapon and a levitation item to take the sting out of electrified floors. The next room contained a stationary boss protected by an electric field that when defeated dropped a sufficiently advanced lockpick, as well as a more advanced enemy poised to drop on people getting too close to a chest with a medkit.  Two ene

CAGD 117 Revised Thumbnail


CAGD 117 Thumbnail

This one of mine was the favorite of our four person group

Simple DnD Map Feedback 1

Warren Rose II CAGD 270, 2/15/17 Simple DnD Feedback, First Playthrough on 2/9/17 Initial Version of Map Changed Map Following My Turn As A Player 1. Action I sat down with my two teammates and introduced the level as a buried town that had been colonized by goblins.  The Ranger raced south of the main corridor for the nearest treasure chest, while the Warrior headed north to free the captive NPC, held behind a door unlocked by an Escape check.  As part of what I had learned from the previous player’s map, I threw in a spike trap on the floor to illustrate the disarm/jump mechanic and had one of the goblins leap over it to demonstrate the system.  As it was quickly apparent that my 2/2/2 goblins were too powerful for the players in a swarm, I fudged them down to 1/1/1 and had the leaping goblin who rolled high enough to way overshoot the trap, knock himself unconscious by slamming into the far wall.  The Ranger decided to dodge around the goblin and the giant 3/3/

Hello World

Hello World